This article shares step-by-step information on how to get started with Airpay payment gateway, connect your Airpay account with Knorish to automate payment collection and assign courses.
After you have setup your Airpay account, enabling it on Knorish is fairly straightforward. Here's how to do this.
It's done! You have just learnt how to integrate the Airpay payment gateway into your course site.
1. Airpay, as a gateway, requires whitelisting of URLs to process payments in Live or Sandbox (test) environments. Please refer to the URL below (replace "domain" with your own domain) and share it with Airpay support for whitelisting.
- Website URL: https://{your_domain}
- Response Success URL: https://{your_domain}/user/account/airpaypaymentprocesssuccess
- Response Cancel URL: https://{your_domain}/user/account/airpaypaymentprocesscancel
- IPN/Webhook URL: https://{your_domain}/webhook/airpay
2. The merchant ID for Airpay will vary between Live and Sandbox environments.
3. The API endpoints for Airpay Live and Sandbox environments are the same.
4. Knorish currently supports INR and USD currencies only, which is why Airpay is able to process payments in these currencies.
5. However, please note that USD currency support may not be activated by default. If you wish to activate USD currency support, please contact Airpay support for assistance.
6. For documentation requirements to create an Airpay account, please reach out to Airpay here:
7. Please ensure to enter the Live endpoint details of the Airpay account once ready to go live with your Knorish account. Sandbox environment is only for testing.
8. Unfortunately, the Airpay Sandbox does not provide a dashboard to review transactions.