How to copy the footer from one page to another

How to copy the footer from one page to another

Customizing a section on your site theme gives a uniform look to your site& saves you time& effort as well. All knorish theme pages come with a default footer. Once you install a theme, all the pages get replicated. In this process, update the footer on one of the pages and then you can copy and paste the same scheme across the pages using the HTML code from the updated footer.

How to copy the footer from one page to another

  1. Update the footer on your home page.
  2. On the page where you want the footer, click on Edit, and insert a new section 
  3. Click ‘Save’
  4. Go to Homepage> Copy the existing footer’s HTML code 
  5. Paste the code in the newly created section 
  6. Hover the mouse on the text in the footer to edit the links
  7. Edit its height/ margin by clicking on the blue icon
  8. Edit its background color/content style/size by clicking on the purple icon.
  9. Click ‘Save’