How to create a contact us form and check for queries submitted via the form
How to create a contact us form and check for queries submitted via the form
Contact us forms are a great way to interact with your customers and answer their queries. In this article, we will show you how to create a contact us form and check for queries submitted via the form.
Contact Forms section can be added on any page. Once the page is published, when someone submits the form, the information will be updated under Contact Messages. You can also route the information to Freshdesk CRM as well. Learn more about how to integrate Freshdesk. If Freshdesk is connected, the contact messages will only be routed to Freshdesk and will not be visible on Contact Messages page.
How to use the contact form to create a Contact Us page
There are 2 methods to create the contact us page with a form on it. Using the new page builder or via the older page builder.
Create A Contact Us Form Using The New Page Builder
Follow the steps below to create the contact us form.
To enable the form, login to your account dashboard. Click on the Website Builder and select the ‘Pages’ option in the builder.
To create a contact Us page, select ‘New Page’.
Select blank page, and then type in the name of the page.
Ensure to leave the New Page BuilderTab on.
Enter the page details such as Page name, page title, slug, description and keywords for SEO.
Select the options as applicable on the page.
Select Publish the page. Save the page. And then click on Edit With Visual Builder
Delete the existing template content
Under All Categories, Select Contact and choose an option from the list
Add a header and other sections as the need be. Adjust settings, and update text
Click on Save to save the changes.
Submit a test message to check if the messages are being saved
Important Considerations:
As you build the page, you can also click on Live Preview to view how the page will appear on different device sizes
All submitted messages are stored in Contact Messages under Dashboard in Settings. You can click on the reply (email) icon to reply to the messages directly.
Please note that these responses will be sent from and are not monitored.
Feel free to connect Freshdesk to get all messages stored and responded to, from the Freshdesk CRM. Learn more about how to integrate Freshdesk here: Freshdesk Integration.
Create A Contact Us Form Using The Old Page Builder
These are the steps you need to follow to build the form on the old page builder.
To enable the form, login to your account dashboard. Click on the Website Builder and select the ‘Pages’ option in the builder.
To create a contact Us page, select ‘New Page’
On the next screen, complete the page details. Since the new page will be a contact us form, type in the name of the page accordingly.
Scroll down to select a template for this page. You can also use a blank page as well should you wish. For the purpose of this FAQ, a blank page was used by clicking on ‘Start Empty’.
Then select the options at the bottom of the page as the case may be. Once saved, a “Success” popup will appear on the screen and clicking “Ok” will successfully create the page.
Now head to the “Menu Manager” section in the Website Builder. You will be able to see that the “Contact Us” page is created but will be on the top of the screen. Click and drag the green button before Contact Us to a position you find suitable. And click the Save button.
Once done, in the pages section, you need to click on the 1st button in the “Actions” column for the Contact Us Page. This button shows Edit in Builder, as now we need to edit the form we created for the user.
Clicking this button will lead you to the Website Editor.
Here you can see the Contact Us form section available under+Sections. Select this section to see how this will look from the viewers' perspective. Click on Save to get this form up and running
How to check for queries raised by a prospective customer through this and respond to them
Here's how to check the contact us form responses:
Access Dashboard> Settings> Contact Messages.
Here, you can reply to the messages via email. Use the Reply Button to send an instant reply.
Once done, the email will be sent to the user directly.
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