How to delete cookies and check for the latest changes on my site on Knorish?
How to delete cookies and check for the latest changes on my site on Knorish?
If you are not able to view changes made on your website on Knorish, the solution is to delete the cookies stored on Chrome. There are 2 ways to delete cookies. Follow the steps as highlighted below:
Deleting cookies via ‘inspect’
Follow the steps below to delete cookies via the Inspect Code method.
Right-click on your Google Chrome browser
Click ‘inspect’
Go to ‘applications’ as highlighted in the illustration
Click ‘cookies’
Right-click on all the available links& click ‘clear’ to delete the cookies& you will be done
Deleting cookies via the standard way
If you are using Google Chrome as your default browser, you can also delete cookies by following the steps highlighted below:
Every Knorish account gets a site to build and manage that helps course publishers sell online courses. Whether you have an on-page site or a site with multiple pages and courses, they are areas that are accessible to all the users who visit your ...
This is a legacy feature. All websites on Knorish now do not list Powered by Knorish on your sites anymore. In case your site still shows the same, you can simply delete it. Additionally, please speak with the Support Team to remove it. Reach out to ...
With GDPR and data privacy being a key concern across the world, your site also needs to comply with the data privacy laws that are applicable across nations. As such, you can enable a cookie policy on your site and a GDPR policy pop up as well. For ...
The standard practice to use a privacy policy is to add it to the footer of your site. A sample privacy policy document is already enabled on all Knorish themes for your perusal. It gets added by default to your Pages under Website Builder. Besides, ...
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