Zapier lets you automate any task or workflow with your Knorish site data to third-party apps or tools. There are thousands of apps that you can use through Knorish& Zapier integration and automate your day-to-day tasks and more.
For example, you can easily connect marketing automation tools like Convertkit, Brevo or Mailchimp, etc with your Knorish site for events like sending an e-mail to every new learner who signs up.
Note: Zapier lets you create up to 100 tasks on its free plan. Beyond that, you can subscribe to its available plans, as required.
A Zap - is a task that you create in order to connect your Knorish site with any app or to connect any app with your Knorish site.
A Trigger - is an event for which Zap is deployed for monitoring and acting on your Knorish site. It works in an "if action … then…trigger" way. For example, create a user on your Knorish site when someone fills your marketing form on any 3rd party app listed as an action app on Zapier.
An Action - is an event for which Zap is deployed for monitoring and acts on your Knorish site. It works in an "if action … then…trigger" way. For example, create a user on your Knorish site when someone fills your marketing form on any 3rd party app listed as an action app on Zapier.
Responses that you will receive: Username, Userid, Phone(if any), Email, Custom Fields (if any).
Responses that you will receive: Username, Userid, Phone(if any), Email, Order id, Purchased on, currency, course name, course id, Amount paid Custom Fields (if any).
Responses that you will receive: Username, Userid, Phone( if any), Live session name, Live session joined on, Livesession id, Email, Custom Fields (if any).
Responses that you will receive: Username, Userid, Phone(If any), Email, course name, course id.
Responses that you will receive: Username, Userid, Phone(If any), Email, Bundle name, Bundle id.
Responses that you will receive: Username, Userid, Phone(If any), Email, Order Id, Purchased on, Currency, Bundle Id, Bundle name, Amount paid Custom Fields (if any).
Here's how you connect your Knorish account and add zaps.
Please use the proper HTTPS format in the subdomain. Plus, it is not advised to skip testing.
Abandoned cart for the course can be defined at your end by visiting your dashboard> courses> click on the name of the course> settings> under Abandoned cart - mention the number of minutes after which you want the course to be marked as Abandoned.
Now, let's take it the other way. Suppose you want to add every learner to your Knorish course platform and assign them a course when you enter their details in Google Sheets. Create a Workflow in a similar way as discussed above. Step-by-step instructions to follow are mentioned below: